Use TED Ed to add interactive questions to YouTube videos, including an amazing library of animated TED talks.
Google Arts & Culture
Explore amazing digitized museum resources, interactive stories, and curated collections.
Field Trips,Augmented Reality,Virtual Reality,Museums,Articles,Reading
Read and share through thousands of news articles which can be leveled and translated on the spot.
The Kid Should See This
Amazing curated collection of engaging and kid-tested video content, with a focus on STEM topics.
A massive collection of leveled AP articles, many available in Spanish, and associated assessments and other interaction tools.
A collection of high-quality, flexible, research-based, content-aligned instructional materials to support literacy development for students in grades 3-12.
Google Maps Treks
Street-view, still images, video, text, and HTML5 come together to tell an immersive story, allowing for self-guided journeys to the world's most interesting.
Maps,Field Trips
Google's National Parks
In this immersive digital experience, you will follow rangers on journey's to the hidden world's of our national parks.
Maps,Field Trips
Where students learn how to navigate the challenging information landscape by mastering the skills of news literacy
Media Literacy,Lessons
Smithsonian Learning Lab
A free, interactive platform for discovering millions of authentic digital resources, creating content, and sharing in an expansive community of knowledge and learning.
Museums,Articles,Field Trips,Videos,Lessons
Khan Academy
You can learn anything. Expert-created content and resources for every course and level. Always free.
Browse 1,000s of Lesson Plans, Digital Artifacts, Videos, Historical Events, Interactives and Other EDTools.
Great Big Story
An award-winning global media company owned by CNN Worldwide dedicated to inspiring wonder and curiosity.
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