Web sites for Parents


    Jim Trelease's Home Page
Offers many great resources compiled by the well-known author of "The Read-Aloud Handbook," including suggested booklists, annotated read aloud book recommendations, and favorite childrens author profile excerpts from his book "Hey! Listen to This."
    National Center For Learning Disabilities
Explores different types of learning disabilities, provides support for parenting and offers ways for parents to support children's learning at home.

    National Center on Response to Intervention
Provides information on the essential components of RTI including the multi-level prevention system, universal screening, progress monitoring data-based decision making universal screening and progress monitoring as well as informative webinars.

    New York State Response to Intervention
Presents a definition of Response to Intervention and specifics about each leveled tier as well as articles, briefs, reports and archived presentations about RTI.

    Response to Intervention Action Network
Provides a wealth of information about Response to Intervention at the early childhood, elementary, middle and high school levels, resources for parents including articles, a glossary and blog as well as methods for integrating behavioral and academic interventions.
    Reach Out and Read For Parents and Educators
Shares a wealth of reading resources including research on the importance of read aloud, annotated booklists for children, overview of developmental milestones (motor and cognitive) related to reading and recommended books for parents on the science of reading aloud.
    Reading Rockets
Offers strategies, lessons, activities and ideas designed to help young children learn to read.
    Scholastic For Parents
Presents tips on children's reading, books and learning including articles on current issues in education, booklists and literacy activities for home.