The Storm Water Management Program (SWMP) was prepared by CFE Consulting Services, LLC on behalf of the Mamaroneck Union Free School District with input and assistance from the Superintendent of Schools and the Offices of Facilities and Operations.
How can we make a Difference?
Like most things, the answer lies in Information and Education. Also known as people pollution, storm water pollution control relies closely on people changing behaviors. In response to better appreciation and understanding of this increasingly important topic, the District will be developing fact sheets and educational materials, as well as establishing storm water focus groups comprised of students, teachers and administrators.
Storm Water Management Program Website
The Storm Water Management Program, endorsed by Mamaroneck Public Schools, will prioritize public education, and public participation. The storm water management program website will include a list of contact persons, events related to storm water management and restoration efforts and clean-up strategies conducted by student/staff volunteer groups. So get on board and become involved.