Assistive Technology: Assessment, Planning, and Assessment within the SETT Framework
The SETT Framework
The SETT framework is a flexible tool that guides identification, solution-seeking, and implementation of assistive technology.
The SETT framework considers four elements: the STUDENT, ENVIRONMENT, TASKS, and TOOLS.
it is intended to be a collaborative decision-making process, involving all parties.
Read more about SETT here.
- What is the area(s) of concern?
- What does the student need to be able to do that is difficult or impossible to do independently at this time?
- What are the environments (includuing physical, instructional) in which the person is expected to live, learn and grow?
- What materials and equipment are used by the student and others?
- What are the access issues (technological, physical, instructional)?
- What are the supports?
- What are the barriers?
- What are the current attitudes and expectations of the staff, family, and others?
- What are the specific things that the person needs or wants to be able to do to reach expectations?
- Tasks may be part of: communication, instruction, participation, productivity, and/or environmental control.
- What is needed by the person and others for the person to accomplish the tasks in the places where they need to be done so that progress is achieved?
- This may include: accommodations, modifications, support, instructional strategies, aAccessible materials, and/or training.
The SETT framework is intended to be an ongoing process.
- What was “known” may have changed.
- New people may be involved.
- New questions, information, and/or concerns may have emerged.
- Implementation plans need to be assessed and revised.

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Content copyright 2010-2014. Joy Smiley Zabala, Ed.D. All rights reserved.